Visiting a Hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam
So my blog has been extremely quite lately, due to an unfortunate visit to a local hospital. Wait WHAT??? So lets start from the beginning. On a lovely Sunday morning, the day after my birthday, I was on my way home on the back of an Uber Moto(scooter taxi). A garbage truck decided to over take us, because there are no rules in Vietnamese traffic, and I landed up lying in the middle of the street. So I checked I was okay and everything seemed lovely until I got to my right thigh. Turns out a metal piece on the truck had cut my thigh right through to the muscle and I could see the inside of my leg. Thank goodness I had so many amazing angels around me and I managed to get to a hospital. As we drove into the hospital I freaked out because it is very different from what I am used to back in South Africa. The emergency room was tiny and I had a million Vietnamese doctors and nurses trying to help me, however I had no idea what they were trying to say. The language barrier contin...